Kickstart your NextJS Starknet dApp in Seconds with Starknet React Library

As a developer in the web3 space, I see great value in having templates to streamline the initial setup when starting new projects. Starknet React library offers a library of React hooks and a Next.js and Vite template that can accelerate scarfolding of frontend Starknet dApps. This un-opinionated starter kit provides the essential Starknet React dependencies to get up and running quickly.


  • Familiarity with React or Next.js fundamentals.

Getting Started

Project Setup

When launching a new Starknet dApp project, I highly recommend using the create-starknet template:

pnpm create starknet

You can also use npm or yarn as your package manager of choice

This will scaffold a Next.js app with Starknet React and its peer dependencies pre-installed. The template offers a minimal setup so you can build the dApp how you see fit.

Kickstart Your Next.js Starknet dApp in Seconds